Hello, World! Get to Know Me.


Hi, dear readers! It is a pleasure to have you here on my blog. Today, I want to take a moment to introduce myself, share my journey, and give you a glimpse into the world of Emely.

Who Am I?

I'm Emely Rodriguez (soon to be Mrs. Cocchieri), a 38-year-old finance professional and newfound Content Creator hailing from Weehawken, New Jersey, USA. I've always been fascinated by beautiful things, and over the years, I've come to see life as a thrilling adventure filled with opportunities to learn, grow, and connect with amazing people like you.

My Background

Growing up in a suburb of New York City, I was surrounded by all sorts of different characters within everyday people. It's there that I developed a deep appreciation for humanity, and those early experiences laid the foundation for my love of travel and knowledge.

My Journey

My journey into the world of content creation probably began around eighteen years ago when I was working as a part-time barista, attending college and struggling to find my calling in life. A few different friends at the time said that I would make a good bartender. I found that interesting, but the reason why they concluded to that specific profession was pivotal… “Well, you’re a people person.” How a personality like mine ended up in the world of finance was by accident. I’ve stuck with it over the years simply because it pays the bills, but I never thought of myself as the stereotypical introverted financial expert. I recently began thinking back to the bartender suggestion that I had received years ago, and though I’m still not interested in pursuing that type of job as I cannot see myself being around intoxicated individuals day in and day out, I am interested in making a big change in my life, one that fits who I truly am. So, who am I? I quickly realized that the answer isn’t that simple. I’m a little bit of everything! Blame it on my ADHD, but I honestly have many interests in so many different things. I’m an avid supporter of the local art scene. I’m a festival go-er. I’m a makeup artist. I’m a person who struggles with mental illness. I’m a music lover. I’m the daughter of immigrants. I’m a Wiccan. I’m a bride-to-be. I’m a true crime junkie. I’m a cat mom. That’s when I made the realization that the one platform that I take all of my different interests to is YouTube. I am a massive fan of YouTube. I’m on it all of the time! That moment ignited a fire within me, and I've been on a mission ever since to create my own content, in written, audio and visual form, of all of the different avenues of my life. Along the way, I've encountered countless challenges, met inspiring mentors, and discovered invaluable life lessons that I would love to share with all of you.

What to Expect from My Blog

On this blog, I'll be sharing a little bit of everything. Whether it's travel, lifestyle, or beauty, I'm excited to dive deep into these subjects and explore them from unique angles. My hope is that you'll find valuable insights, inspiration, and maybe even a bit of entertainment in the content I create.

Connect with Me

I believe that the best part of this blogging and vlogging journey is the opportunity to connect with amazing people like you. I'd love to hear your thoughts, stories, and ideas, so please don't hesitate to reach out, leave comments, or connect with me through the social media links on my homepage.


Thank you for joining me on this adventure. I'm thrilled to embark on this blogging journey, and I can't wait to share more with you in the coming weeks and months. Together, we'll bravely explore the beauty of life and make some incredible memories along the way.

Stay tuned for my next post, where we'll dive into the exciting world of “Fangirlism”. Until then, remember to embrace every moment and never stop pursuing your passions.

With gratitude and excitement,


Fangirls Unite: The Passion and Dedication Behind Fandoms